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Scholarly article

Dealing Well with Conflicts – for Employees

What is conflict?

Conflicts are unpleasant, but they are part of everyday work and private life. Not only do different people come together in the workplace, but also different expectations, attitudes and behaviours. This can create friction or lead to conflict. But not every disagreement is a conflict.

A conflict is when one experiences incompatibilities in thinking, feelings or intentions with other people. And these incompatibilities restrict one’s own actions. This can be the case, for example, if you have the feeling that your superior distributes work assignments unfairly. Or if a team member keeps disregarding others and the other staff members can no longer get a word in edgewise. Such situations can lead to an outcome where people can no longer perform assignments satisfactorily.

What you can do in the event of a conflict:

Try to identify the cause/source of the conflict.

Is it a matter of interpersonal discord? Is the cause to be found in different views or values? Are there misunderstandings? Address the cause of the conflict.

Distinguish between the objective and relational level.

The objective level is limited to facts («My workload is twice that of the other employees»). On the relational level, interpretations and our emotions play a role («My supervisor always assigns the unpleasant tasks to me because she doesn’t like me»).

Take responsibility.

Ask yourself what part you have in the situation. Is the conflict fuelled because you pigeonhole certain behaviours? By saying, for example: «Now my colleague didn’t let me finish again – that’s typical of his urge to show off.»

Try to put yourself in the other person’s shoes.

Why do they behave like this? What do you think their motives are? What needs underlie this behaviour? If you understand the motivations, you’ll be better able to cope with certain behaviours.

Here you can get support

If a conflict is blocking you or you are suffering greatly from a conflict, then professional support can help. In the Movis employee counselling service, you have the opportunity to look at the conflict with an external, neutral counsellor – and find out how the situation could be steered in a constructive direction. So you feel good again and can concentrate on your tasks.

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