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Scholarly article

How to Emerge from Personal Crisis – for Employees

From your lowest point to personal growth

Nobody goes through life without negative experiences. While many people find it relatively easy to take setbacks in stride, for others, setbacks can lead to a personal crisis. The good news is that even situations which seem hopeless can be overcome if we accept responsibility for our life.

The first important point is to recognise a major life crisis in the first place. In other words, to ask yourself sincerely: ‘How am I doing in general?’ or ‘How can I cope with the current situation?’ And then consider at greater length: ‘What am I actually lacking?’ and ‘What can I do about that?’. These types of questions help us leave behind the role of victim, take a proactive stance and come up with solutions.

This does not mean that we should simply look forward in a positive way. In crisis situations, it’s completely normal to feel sad, angry or as if you’ve got nothing left to give. These mental states are important indications that the human mind isn’t all-powerful, and we must take care of ourselves.

This might help you in a crisis situation:


We can only begin to change things if we first accept that certain things are the way they are. Accepting this means accepting the present situation and letting go of the past.


This is a type of strength that tells us: ‘This too will pass!’ Bear in mind that a crisis is an exceptional situation that doesn’t last forever.

Personal responsibility

Even if we haven’t caused the negative situation ourselves, we mustn’t insist that we are victims of it. There are certainly things which we can accept responsibility for – this is how we prepare ourselves to act.

Talk about it

as the saying goes: ‘A sorrow shared is a sorrow halved.’ If you confide in someone, then you will notice that you are not the only person to have negative experiences, and that other people go through similar situations. Sorrow and suffering are part of being human.

Arrange support for yourself

It’s a sign of strength to accept support during crises, and there are many options for receiving counselling.

This is how to take a proactive stance

Are you unable to cope with your life situation? Do you need someone to listen and offer support? The Movis Employee Assistance Programme is happy to be there for you.

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