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Scholarly article

Stress and Stress Management – for Managers and HR

Stress in everyday life

According to a study by Health Promotion Switzerland (Job Stress Index 2020) around one in four employees feels permanently stressed and exhausted. This trend has increased in recent years as stress has lead to higher costs due to diminished productivity. Sustainable health protection is therefore worthwhile for every organisation.

Not all stress is the same

We experience «positive» stress when we take on challenges, grow from difficulties and learn new things. This kind of stress is stimulating and drives us to accomplish our highest achievements. Chronic «negative» stress, on the other hand, results from excessive performance requirements and impairs well-being and health: the result can range from nervousness and anxiety to actual physical problems. Preventing, eliminating or reducing stress in the workplace with appropriate measures is therefore an important challenge for management.

Because employees who are supported in coping with stress are not only more efficient, they are also more motivated and adaptable to change, health protection benefits every organisation. Work-life balance is best achieved by implementing measures at all levels of corporate policy. Furthermore, you are also fulfilling your company’s legal obligation to protect its employees’ physical and mental health.

Management consultation

We assist you in formulating health-promoting strategies and measures. In addition to various preventive and integrative programs, we also provide managers with practical specialist advice on dealing with stress. Contact us – we are always there for you.